Saturday, January 24, 2009

God IS so GOOD

I have to tell you that house hunting is almost just as stressful as job searching. I have been very blessed that with this move we have not been rushed to find just the right house in a very small amount of time. We have been blessed by the fact that my parents so graciously took is under their roof and have allowed us to take all the time we needed to find a home.

Not only that, but they are buying the house for us and then down the road we will be buying it from them. This is an amazing thing in and of itself, but at the same time it has been somewhat of a struggle. We have been looking for a house that meets their criteria for investment property, my criteria (which was that I didn't want to have to do much to it as far as remodeling), have it be in our price range and in the right location.

So, we have looked at A LOT of houses over the past 3-4 weeks. So many that they were all starting to run together and we were all getting burned out. We saw a house a couple weeks ago at an open house that I REALLY liked, but it was quite a bit out of our price range so I just wrote it off.

Anyways, yesterday out of the blue mom asked me which house I liked more: the one we had seen the day before (that needed some work, but over the past few weeks I have found that the houses in our price/sq ft that we were looking at would need some updating) or this other house we saw at open house. I told her I liked the open house one better by far, but I had it written off my list because it was too high priced. So, I went on about my day not really thinking about it anymore.

Then yesterday afternoon my mom drove by the house one more time for no real reason at all, but to get another flyer they had in the front yard. When she got there, they didn't have any flyers out, but the man of the house was just driving up after picking his children up from school. He saw mom and asked what she needed and they talked. He invited her in to see the house again and told her they had flyers inside. She went in and refreshed her memory and got a new flyer. While inside they told her that 1. they had reduced the price by $5,000; and 2. they were moving out of town. The dad starts a job in El Paso this coming Monday while the mom and 3 boys have to stay behind until their house sells.

Mom brought all this information home and prayed about it and wrestled with it all night. She and God dealt with this issue for most of the night. The more she prayed the more it became clear this is the house for us. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 car garage, a utility room, no remodeling needed right away, great neighborhood, nice square feet, $/sq ft is the lowest we have found for the GREAT shape it is in, and it just seems to be the right fit for everyone. I think she finally got to go to sleep around 3-4 this morning, but when she did she was at peace with the fact that this was the right choice. So, this morning we went to look at it again and we put a contract on it. The current owners accepted the offer and we hope to close and move in within 30 days!

I am so excited about this house! It is so cute and I know Bret and I can make it feel like a real comfortable home.

"Dear Lord,

Thank you for knowing just what we need. Thank you for always having our best interest at heart and always having a plan in place if we will just take the time to listen to you. I thank you for blessing our family with this new house. I thank you for talking to mom and making this so evident to her. You are an amazing God, and you ARE good. I just thank you for placing this specific house at our feet and blessing us with such comfort and rediculous excess.

Lord, I pray Bret and I will use this house to glorify you. I pray we will be able to help others and serve others in our home and give so generously to them as you have given to us.

Lord, I love you so much and I pray all this in Jesus' holy name,

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